Is the “Falling Away” (II Thes. 2:3) a Future Worldwide Rebellion Led by the Man of Sin?
Why Prophecy!
Any study of prophecy begins with the simple definition of what
prophecy is. Most lack an understanding of even this most basic knowledge. Bible prophecy is “the inspired, divine revelation or foretelling of historical events, written in advance of those events, pertaining to the unfolding of God’s Plan for mankind.” A shorter definition is simply “foretelling the future.”
Prophecy is factual history recorded in advance! God foretells major events before they happen.
He wants His servants to know what the future holds—what lies ahead for the world.
The Bible is approximately 750,000 words.
This means that 250,000 words are devoted to prophecy.
Over 80 percent is yet to be fulfilled.
Therefore, many major events must yet come to pass.
And the angel said to me, "Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb." And he added, "These are true words that come from God."- Revelation 19:9FYI... More than FIVE children DIE everyday, as a result of abuse.
Crystal's Stuff
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Crystal Trujillo
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He who walks with integrity walks securely.
But he who perverts his ways will become known!
- Proverbs 10:9